It has been a long time since I blogged, mainly because I have been happy lately. There were times when some upsetting things happened but those are within things that you would expect happen. Like doing badly for FS, or Ms Tham flipping over overseas leave during school term period. Those are reasonable things to get upset over and I could see them coming from a mile away. But not this, not this piece of information I received yesterday when I had a meet up with my friend.
It seriously hurts when people you trust talks shit about you behind your back. I know my worth and I still stand for what I do, I don't think I did anything wrong. I do not get why they had to gossip behind my back in front of my good friend though. Please have a brain and do your gossip somewhere else. Anyway it sucks because they are the people who I will never gossip about to anyone else. They are the people who I have nothing but good things to say about them. Like I seriously see them as my friends. So when they start talking shit about you. It hurts. It really hurts. Trust is really a precious thing, and they broke it.
I tried to act undisturbed when I heard the news, but I cannot stop thinking about it. Even today when I woke up. I sat on the bus and the words kept repeating in my brain like a fucking stupid recorder. I have to think of my next step, do I continue to be friendly with them, or should I just keep my distance. Was it a brainless chatter or a harmful gossip? I don't know. Suddenly I am doubtful of the others I trust. Can I trust them? Or is it just my own fantasy that these group of people are really my friends?
Prolly I will forget about this in a few weeks time. I hope so cause trusting people again ain't easy.
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